About Us
Since 2008, we've been specializing in small batch printing of our original designs onto ethically manufactured & thoughtfully curated goods. Our collection is forever inspired by the random mix of things we love most: open spaces, patterns in nature, plant life, slow living, and the night sky.
We don't rely on stock illustrations or third party designs, nor do we use digital printing techniques or heat transfers. We don't farm out any portion of our production, and we don't use stock photography. It's just the two of us all the way through. I sketch every design, prep every screen, hand print and photograph each item. Karl packs and ships every order, answers every email, manages wholesale, and writes every single thank you note (phew!).
Over 16 years of business ownership, we've crisscrossed the country 4 times, visited 35 states, vended at countless craft shows, received over 16,000+ five star reviews, and grown to support two full-time employees. We've also had the good fortune to meet the funniest, kindest, most generous artists, shop owners, and customers from all over the map.